Crisis! What crisis?

I wonder if anyone else has noticed!

Listening to the news and reading the various media reports from the UK, Europe, and the USA, the politicians’ proposed solution to the world’s economic crisis is to encourage the banks and the public to revert to exactly the same behaviour that led, with a horrible inevitability, to the crisis in the first place. The politicians want the public to go out and spend, they want the banks to go out and lend, and they want the world to go back to what it was doing before. Clearly, they are bereft of ideas and policies to address the underlying problem. Read the rest of this entry »

Recent news shows that the US automobile industry is asking the US federal government for a $25 billion bailout and President-Elect Barak Obama supports this. What a pity that Mr Obama should nail his colours to the mast so early and on such an issue. Bailing out the big three carmakers is a fundamentally flawed idea that rewards the failure of management to develop a sustainable strategy. Read the rest of this entry »

This story suggests that there is a significant lack of understanding of how to get out of the mess we’re in – which is, on the one hand, very surprising given the amount of verbiage expended on the subject and the hours spent arguing about it among those who claim to be experts (remember: an ex is a has been and a ‘pert is a drip under pressure!), while on the other hand, it is a typical politically-driven response as it allows the politicians to claim they are ‘doing what is necessary for the public’. (When, if ever, have politicians been interested in what is best for the public?) … Read the rest of this entry »